Thursday, June 28, 2012


It's crazy to believe how I felt and what I dealt with for the past six months. I am finally a college graduate with a Bachelor's degree. I am thankful for an amazing and loving support system from my family and friends. I also have to thank God for guiding me to where I am destined to be and providing me with such exciting opportunities.

On another note, I never believed the idea how you could be with the wrong person at the right time or with the right person at the wrong time...until now. I just graduated college and will be starting the next chapter in my life in two weeks, but I just met this generous, caring, and humorous guy. I have been trying to fight my feelings toward him because I know if things were to work out, it would be a very difficult, long distance relationship. Unfortunately, or not, I slowly developed an attachment to him after our daily phone calls...but I have to thank God for placing him in my life. I know God has a plan for both of us, either if it's we are together or not. God, I thank You for giving us time together before I begin the next chapter of my life.

Friday, May 18, 2012

in the midst of all the madness

I absolutely fail at keeping up with this blog but I would like to say that God is good. I thank Him for being the shining light through this dark tunnel. I have been stressed and under pressure for the past few months because of my uncertain future. Rejection after rejection, He has shown me that I cannot sit back and think that He will hand me my future. I have to work hard for the future that He destined me to experience. I am currently swamped with so many applications and assignments that I thank Him for providing me with all these opportunities. I am always forever grateful for His guidance and being my Saviour.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I had my 22nd birthday last month. It's still unbelievable that I'm 22 and I always fail to realize how fast time flies by. My brother and sister took me out to Pizzeria Mozza in Newport Beach. The food was scrumptious, especially the dessert! Then my friends surprised me with a trip to Vegas! We saw "The Lion King" show and it was absolutely amazing!! I definitely want to see it again.

The Domo pillow!
I spent the next few days in my Irvine apartment making my baby sister her Christmas gift as well as shopping for my other siblings. I'm very satisfied with the outcome of my first character pillow! My mom liked it so much that she told me to make my dad one.

Being home was amazingly relaxing after overloading myself with 26 units last quarter. It may have been one of my hardest quarters at Irvine that I excluded myself from many social activities, so I spent a lot of time making it up this break. :) I saw many old faces that I haven't seen for years and spent time with my friends: ate a lot (discovered La Bonne Soupe Cafe in downtown), secret santa and Christmas potluck, bar hopping (or just Blue Cue), and went to my first NBA games (Kings won 2/3 games I went to)! However with so much time, I didn't know what to do with it that it got boring, so I slept in, stayed up late, and basically did nothing. I did utilize the time to catch up on my leisure reading.

Charlie waking me up :(
I would like to welcome Charlie to the family! I picked up this bad boy on my way home from my sister's friend's house. He made my winter break more enjoyable even when he annoyed me at 8AM to take him outside or sat on my yoga mat while I was working out. My sister told me he was depressed and whiny the day I left. I already miss him and wish I brought him down to SoCal with me. He would made the long, boring drive enjoyable because I know he loves car rides.

Having Charlie around made me realize how much I miss Yogi. There were certain times when I just wanted to call Charlie "Yogi" because Charlie is the first dog, after Yogi, to stay in the house. Yogi was my best friend growing up and I remember how he would always sleep in my room. He would even jump on my bed in the middle of the night. Just talking about him brings tears to my eyes... I miss him dearly but I hope he is resting peacefully in dog heaven.

Christmas, like always, was entertaining: opening gifts, taking pictures, parents being silly; while NYE was no different. I spent it watching TV with my younger siblings as my father set off the fireworks. It's nothing special, but it's simply tradition with my little sisters. Spending the holidays with my family makes me ecstatic. The laughter, the love. I appreciate and am thankful for my wonderful and supportive family. It was such a difficult year for us: taking time off work and school and making the long drive home frequently but I'm glad that things on the home front is improving. Hopefully, we'll receive even better news at the end of this month. 2012, let it be our year.

As for this quarter, I'm only taking 16 units and completing my fieldwork hours. My Washington and Vegas trips are booked and for now, it's time to hit the books!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I decided to begin using Blogspot again after encountering a picture on my Tumblr dashboard that is currently making me feel so terrified. I am the type of person who can never watch a scary movie because I will be scarred forever. It's been over three hours and my roommates have gone home for break so I locked myself in my room with heavy boxes behind the door, paranoid like no other. I don't plan on sleeping tonight...

So I opened this spa therapy thing that stretches cramped toes and revitalizes tired feet to keep my mind busy. The "Deluxe Pampered Toes" is stretching my toes, especially the injured ones. Because my left pinky toe is quite uncomfortable at the moment, all my thoughts and worries about my foot are coming back to me. It's been over 3 years since I've gone to my surgeon to discuss the healing process of my broken foot. My metatarsals healed perfectly well, but I don't think my nerves did. Maybe that explains why I can't bend my toes anymore?

Whenever I feel pain in my left foot, melancholy takes over because the fact that I can't do anything I want without having to worry about my foot. After my recovery, I planned my activities around my foot. I couldn't wear heels and flats or even shoes with no arches.  I couldn't do activities like running or swimming. It took a little over a year until I felt ready to run again. I realized how important having two operable legs is because using crutches was difficult. What used to be a 5-10 minute walk from Middle Earth to the Bio Sci area turned into a 30-45 minute process. Since then, I tend to walk whenever I can.

Anyway enough ranting, I will try to continue blogging especially since I have two quarters until I am no longer an undergraduate student. I want to document my thoughts and memories as well as everything in between. So for now, I will paint my toenails and continue packing for the surprise festivities my friends planned for my birthday. :)